Trade Gong Classifieds

Saturday 8 January 2011

Three-day dry fast. Title: I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. (Genesis 32:26)

**Note Brethren!!

Join our three-day dry fast (8th Jan. - 10th Jan.,2010)
Title: I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. (Genesis 32:26)
We have declared a three-day dry fast on the ´´takeitbyforce´´ prayer blog ( and marriage blog ( from 8th Jan. till 10th Jan.,2010. Title of the dry fast is ´´I will not let thee go, except thou bless me´´(Genesis 32:26). This is a fast to claim our blessings from God-marital,financial etc. God Himself has instructed us to ´´Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me´´(Isaiah 45:11). God has given us the power,authority and permission to ask Him to clarify future things that we do not understand regarding ourselves(His sons) and to command Him (when neccesary) to do His wonders for us. How do we ´´command Him´´? By reminding Him of His promises and obligations to us. God hates debt and a reminder that He ´´seems´´ to be indebted compels(commands) Him to act on your case.
Let us take this fast conscientiously and we would see what the lord would do. Please,we need your opinion as to whether you support extension of the fast from three to seven days dry fast. Please,go to either of our blogs to ´´fasting and prayer´´ and write your comment under the fasting prayer points for each day. Your prayer requests are also welcome; you can write them on the ´´comments´´ section´´ under any of the blog posts.
The fasting and prayer topic and prayer points would come shortly. We greatly appologize for informing you rather late of the fast.
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.


  1. I have a prayer request, i'm praying paul 2 be ma husband and 2 change. also praying for financial breakthrough. i'm dryfasting for 3 days.

  2. The Lord's will be done in your life .Trust in the Lord and lean not in your own understand ing and He will bring it to pass . seek him first and His Kingdom and all other things shall be added to you even husband, wealth and the health to enjoy all this. Grace and favour in Jesus name-Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

  3. I pray that God could open my eyes to the good and help me to hummer any demonic forces in my life n help me financially

  4. I pray for a complete turn around in my life, i need a good job, i need my faith increased as well as wisdom knowledge and understanding...i need Gods grace and mercy. Im on day 3 of a 7day fast...I want to do the next 3 days with no water or juice...i need a miracle and believe that...this fast will open doors for me in my life and situation...please pray for me.


Calvary greetings!
Welcome to ´´takeitbyforce´´ blog page. Your prayer requests are welcome. God bless you for commenting.