Trade Gong Classifieds

Saturday 8 January 2011

The eyes: the ´´light´´ of the body!

The eyes: the ´´light´´ of the body!
22The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23)

The above verses are extracted from the bible - the very words of Jesus Christ. Jesus is saying,like we all know, that the eyes are valuable if they serve the purpose for which God meant them - supply light and by extension,direction to the body. He went further to say that they could only serve their ´´good´´ purpose if they are not yoked with sin. But if the eyes are evil,they would cease to supply light to the body; instead, they would serve as a source of ´´total darkness´´ and mis-direction for the body. This is so because,the bible says that light drives away darkness but if you have only darkness in you,all it could-and would- do is to co-operate with and intensify the darkness in and around you until you are groping in the dark;such darkness as the devil desires to inflict on lost souls in order to make them easy ´´meat´´ for his captivity! Brethren,without mincing words,the devil rejoices when souls are plunged into darkness because darkness serves as a trap for him to perpetrate his deceit and mischief. Search your heart today. Do you fall into this category? Do you erroneously assume that you have light while in reality, you are in total darkness? There is still an indisputable chance to regain your God-ordained light. That chance is only in Jesus. Submit yourself to Him;ask Him for forgiveness repent from your sins and He would forgive you and cleanse you of all darkness with ease.

Prayer Points:
** You my lost original eyes,be replaced and give me light in Jesus´ name.
** You yoke of sin affecting the ability of my eyes to supply me light,I cancel you with the blood of Jesus.
** You darkness in and around me,be lighted up by fire in Jesus´ name.
** Every source of darkness in my life,die in Jesus´ name.
**Note Brethren!!
Join our three-day dry fast (8th Jan. - 10th Jan.,2010)
Title: I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. (Genesis 32:26)
We have declared a three-day dry fast on the ´´takeitbyforce´´ prayer blog ( and marriage blog ( from 8th Jan. till 10th Jan.,2010. Title of the dry fast is ´´I will not let thee go, except thou bless me´´(Genesis 32:26). This is a fast to claim our blessings from God-marital,financial etc. God Himself has instructed us to ´´Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me´´(Isaiah 45:11). God has given us the power,authority and permission to ask Him to clarify future things that we do not understand regarding ourselves(His sons) and to command Him (when neccesary) to do His wonders for us. How do we ´´command Him´´? By reminding Him of His promises and obligations to us. God hates debt and a reminder that He ´´seems´´ to be indebted compels(commands) Him to act on your case.

Let us take this fast conscientiously and we would see what the lord would do. Please,we need your opinion as to whether you support extension of the fast from three to seven days dry fast. Please,go to either of our blogs to ´´fasting and prayer´´ and write your comment under the fasting prayer points for each day. Your prayer requests are also welcome; you can write them on the ´´comments´´ section´´ under any of the blog posts.
The fasting and prayer topic and prayer points would come shortly. We greatly regret and appologize for informing you rather late of the fast. It is due to large volume of work we have to attend to.
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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