Trade Gong Classifieds

Monday 3 January 2011

Prayers against hidden and destructive curses!

Prayers against hidden and destructive curses!
1. You hidden curse(s) working against my destiny,be exposed in Jesus name.
2. Oh God arise and nullify any legal grounds nuturing curse(s) against my life and destiny in Jesus name.
3. Every stronghold of curse(s) against my destiny,be located and destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus name.
4. Oh earth open up and swallow every power, man or woman that is reviving the life span of curse(s) against me in Jesus name.
5. You effect of such curse(s) against my life,be blotted out by the blood of Jesus in jesus´ name.
6. You ancestral curse(s) crying loud against my life,back-fire in Jesus´ name.
7. You curse(s) still surviving behind the scenes in my life,die by fire in Jesus´ name.
8. O God,repair and re-establish my life on Christ the solid rock in Jesus´ name.
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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