Trade Gong Classifieds

Sunday 8 August 2010

´´..Is any among you afflicted? let him pray..´´. (James 5:13)

(James 5:13)´´Is any among you afflicted? let him pray..´´.
Prayer has been and remains the most effective,if not the only effective way to communicate with God! Even God Himself has told us that if anyone among us be
afflicted,the best way out is for him to pray(James 5:13)!
Curiously,He did not say that we should complain,cry or resign to fate. He emphatically tells us to pray. This
is to say that prayer is the answer to all afflictions. Some of us believe that when we complain or cry over our situations,it would invoke God to look into our situations. But as it were,that is wrong. God is not moved by our complaints nor is he moved by our bitter cry! Our God is one that honours His words even above His name(Psalm 138:2),so if He has said anything He keeps to it,including what He has said in (James 5:13)´´Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms´´. If we still believe more in cry and complaints rather than adhere to God´s simple and precise prescription that we should ´´pray´´ whenever we are afflicted,we bluntly miss the target! Whenever we are afflicted,let us pray because the word of God has confirmed all round that it is worth the while to pray. Another verse of the bible says that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much(James 5:16). Brethren,let us try - as it would pay us - to acknowledge that prayer is the key. A prayer-less christian is a powerless christian! If you wish to be powerful as a christian,it only takes being prayerful.
Every evil power that continually distracts us from praying,we ask the Powerful Hand of God to lock it out of our lives in the name of Jesus!

Let´s pray these prayer points as if this is the last fight of our lives and God shall visit you at your points of need in Jesus´ name;
**O God my father,block every power destracting me from prayer in the name of Jesus.
**O God my father,reward my prayer with bountiful testimony in the name of Jesus.
**Any affliction in my life defying my prayers, die in the name of Jesus.
**You evil powers in my foundation, preventing me from celebrating, die by fire!
Please,visit this site for more reading and prayers:

By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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