Trade Gong Classifieds

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Prayers to truncate Witchcraft control over my destiny!

*Witchcraft chain holding down my destiny,break by fire in Jesus´ name.

*Witchcraft cage holding my destiny captive,break and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft padlock locked or buried against my destiny,break or be exhumed and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft pot buried against my destiny,be exhumed,break and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft cauldron cooking my destiny,break and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft calabash planted against my destiny,be exhumed,break and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft blood covenant entered into in order to harm my destiny,break and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft cobweb holding my destiny,catch fire,burn to ashes and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft veil blocking my destiny,catch fire,burn to ashes and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft container used to collect and detain my blessings,explode and release my blessings by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft inconclussion in my dream,life and destiny,I convert you to devine favourable conclussion by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft vehicle mobilized against my destiny,be demobilized by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft police policing helpers away from my destiny,die and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
*Witchcraft trafic wardens diverting the trafic of helpers away from my destiny,die and release me by fire in Jesus´ name.
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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