Trade Gong Classifieds

Thursday 2 December 2010


Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on [me], to take away my reproach among men. Reproach is anything in your life that is not

glorifying God. For Elizabeth it was barrenness.
1. O God my father, arise and kill every reproach present in my life in the name of Jesus.
2. Every hidden and deep-rooted source of reproach in my life,be exposed and up-rooted by the force of God.
3. You reproach in my business,finances,marriage and destiny,be shattered by the fire of God.
4. You Power,you man or woman, holding my joy, glory and my celebration package,die by fire.
5. You initiator and compounder of problems and reproach in my life,die.
6. Holyghost thunder, scatter every evil coven planning and sending me reproach in the name of Jesus.
7. Blood of Jesus, wash away every mark of reproach in my life.
8. You Power,man or woman,contending against my release from the clutches of reproach,die!
9. You agent representing and promoting reproach in my life,die.
10. You attachment of reproach to my life and destiny,known and unknown,be shaken off and die!
11. You ambassador of reproach and hinderance in my life and destiny,die!
12. You source of reproach and hinderance in my life and destiny,dry up and die!
13. You witchcraft covens linked to reproach in my life,catch fire!
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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