Trade Gong Classifieds

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Prayer for favour!

Isaiah 60:16
´´Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer,
the mighty One of Jacob´´.
How does this scripture apply to you today? Have you been neglected and hated by those you care for and love so much that the devil whispered a lie into your ears saying:´this is the end of the road´? Have you been frustrated to the extent that you feel like life is not worth the hassles? God is saying that He would turn your fortunes around! Just because you believe in Him,He would cause you to inherit ALL the PRECIOUS milk(wealth) that the sinners had wasted their sinful years gathering. He not only promises to deliver good things you never laboured for to you,but He has the power to,and would cause it to be brought to you on a platter of gold by no common people but the royals of the society in which you find yourself! God is the almighty symbol of royalty and He has released earthly kings to feed,serve and protect you! What else do you have to worry about than to believe and wait for this prophesy to come to pass in your life?

Prayer Points:
*Oh God my father,feed me the milk of the gintiles you promised in Jesus´ name!

*Oh God my father,cause me to suck the breast of kings in Jesus´ name!

*Oh God my father,cause the kings to feed,serve and protect me in Jesus´ name!
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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