Trade Gong Classifieds

Sunday 25 July 2010

When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7)

When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. (Proverbs 16:7)
See that your ways please the Lord. Even though you
shall have enemies;even your enemies will be at peace with you.
He can constrain an enemy to desist from harming you, even though he has a mind to do so. This He did with
Laban, who pursued Jacob but did not dare to touch him. Or He can subdue the wrath of the enemy and make him friendly as He did with Esau, who met Jacob in a brotherly manner, though Jacob had dreaded that he would smite him and his family with the sword. . Happy is the man whose enemies are made to be to him what the lions were to Daniel in the den,Let your ways please the Lord through; rightoeusness, holiness and faith, he will make even your enemies to be at peace with you.
Prayer points.
*O God my father,make my enemies to be at peace with me in Jesus´ name!
*O God,restrain my enemies from executing their evil plans towards me in Jesus´ name!
*My enemies,hear the word of the lord;favour me by fire,in Jesus´ name!
By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

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