Trade Gong Classifieds

Friday, 16 July 2010

Prayers against killers of my destiny

Prayers against killers of my destiny
1. Any Power,any man or woman using my destiny to shine,I command you to end up in death like Adonijah. In Jesus´ name!
2. Any Power,any man or woman using my wife´s destiny to shine,I command you to end up in death like
Adonijah. In Jesus´ name!
3. Any Power,any man or woman using my glory and destiny of my children to shine,I command you to end up in death like Adonijah. In Jesus´ name!
4. Any Power,any man or woman that has hijacked my destiny,wherever you are;I command you to end up in death like Adonijah. In Jesus´ name!
5. You adonijah in my life fighting for my destiny,I command you to die like Adonijah. In Jesus´ name!
6. You evil animal that has been used to arrest my destiny,die an instant death,in Jesus´ name!
7. Any Power,any man or woman that has stolen my destiny through my first bath waters,wherever you are;I command you to die. In Jesus´ name!
8. You evil Policeman scarring away my helpers,wherever you are;I command you to die. In Jesus´ name!
9. You grave holding my breakthrough captive, break open and release it to me. In Jesus´ name!
10. You Powers in and outside my family holding my destiny captive, release it to me and die. In Jesus´ name!
11. You evil cage holding my destiny captive, break open and release it to me. In Jesus´ name!

Your prayer requests are welcome. You could make them anonymous on blog page,email or call us. May God visit you with testimonies as you pray; we expect to read your testimonies on this blog in Jesus´ name AMEN! Pls,do stay with us.

By: Emmanuel and Blessing Agbo.

1 comment:

Calvary greetings!
Welcome to ´´takeitbyforce´´ blog page. Your prayer requests are welcome. God bless you for commenting.